

A powerful full body massage to regulate your whole system, both energising and emotionally balancing. This includes the beautiful limpia ritual with flowers and herbs

The Tlawayo massage is the only massage I know that works with how our energy and life force is aligned to patterns of sacred geometry. The massage moves around the body according to both the five pointed star and six pointed star. It is specific to the Toltec Mexica tradition, but having explored the history, this was knowledge also utilised in African and Egyptian medicine. It is warming, energising and restorative. Tlawayo means in it’s simplest translation, the heart generated by the Earth.

Herbs and flowers are an integral part of the massage and experience. In each treatment a special relationship with them will be forged and you will be encouraged to work with them after.

A full treatment will also address any shock (susto) in your nervous system. Susto is Spanish for “fright'“ - in this tradition it is regarded as spirit loss, trauma of any kind that has affected your energy or spirit. For strong past experiences, strong emotions or after something invasive (like surgery) another treatment might be suggested called Cura de Alma which also brings harmony back to the body.  

Both are gentle to receive, you are treated with the most loving care and honour. Treatments are a combination of plants used externally, plus song and ceremony just for you.

I am in full gratitude to have trained with Curandera Miahuatzin Yvonne Buendia from San Juan Tecalco Mexico 2004-2014. Occasionally she visits the UK if you are interested in a treatment by her as well. I also work with the Danza de la Luna (Moondance), so please do ask for details.





A cleansing treatment over the body using fresh herbs, flowers, and often other natural remedies. It's a very powerful (and enjoyable!) energetic clean up.

There are many times when we need help changing our energy, our thoughts, our emotions. Or, we need help to attune our subtle energy field to an aspect of nature that rebalances, ignites the will, returns our life force, or simply opens us to joy and the celebration of an occasion.

Bathing with plants, and being treated with herbs and flowers can do this.

The rituals I work with come from many years of study with Mexican Curanderismo, and more recently with Umbanda, an Afro-Brazilian tradition. I have also been working to reach back into the plant and folk rituals of the UK, listening carefully to the medicine of the plants around us.

Each plant carries a connection to an emotion, or changing state. They can clear your energy field. Or help you form a new thought patterns.